Salamba Shirshasana is commonly referred to as the "king of poses." This is because, although difficult to practice, there are many benefits that derive from this pose; not only is it good to calm the mind, but the continued practice of this pose also has many health benefits.
For one thing, the practice of this pose increases stamina and strength, as well as promotes good posture. As mentioned previously, it builds strength in the neck and shoulder blades, as well as the abdominals and upper spine.
Headstand also improves concentration and balance, for fresh oxygenated blood flows more freely from the heart to the brain, receiving a greater amount of blood than normal for a fixed period of time.
Headstand also helps cultivate emotional stability; this pose has a calming effect, helping to stabilize moods.
This pose also improves the cardiovascular system. Normally, when we are sitting/standing, our heart must work harder against gravity to pump blood to the upper parts of our bodies. The inversion of this pose reduces strain on the heart; while in headstand, de-oxygenated blood is able to flow more easily.
Not only does Salamba Shirshasana improve the cardiovascular system; it also stimulates the digestive system by cleansing the internal organs through the pull of gravity, the endocrine system's pineal and pituitary glands, and the immune system's circulation and drainage of lymphatic fluid.
Rightly said. This posture is the "king of poses."